SMAS Facelift

The aging process in the face & neck region is dependent on multiple factors relating to your bone structure, underlying tissues, and the skin itself.

In fact, face and neck soft tissue with the skin itself is anchored to the underlying skeleton in certain points. When a person gets older, the skin and soft tissue starts to gradually sag over these anchors points creating folds that causes the aged look. The aging process in the face & neck region is focused in these regions: aging of the skin, sagging of the soft tissue structures underneath the skin and loss of volume the skin, soft tissue and boney structure.

There are many techniques in plastic surgery to correct this problem. Current and popular techniques only the mask the issue with simple tricks and solutions, but in order to really tackle the issue in order to achieve a dramatic change, one needs to reposition the face and neck tissue structures. This is done by removing them from their anchors points and re-fitting them in order to achieve youthful look.

The aging process in the face & neck region is focused in these regions: aging of the skin, sagging of the soft tissue structures underneath the skin and loss of volume the skin, soft tissue and boney structure. These three issues require a solution for optimal results in skin renewal. In order to achieve the optimal result of facial rejuvenation all three problems should be addressed. Hence each problem should be approached with by itself and applied in combination of treatments in a certain timetable. In Clinique Ouché every patient is evaluated personally and all problems regarding the facial aging are noted, and specific treatments methods are applied in the correct order to achieve a long lasting natural look.

Is it possible to ride the time-machine?

With the Extended High SMAS technique invented by our doctor of Clinique Ouché, it is possible to achieve a dramatic facial rejuvenation in the natural limits providing a younger appearance of the patient as if they have traveled back in time.

The technique its self is based on releasing all the anchoring facial points called the “retaining ligaments” thus freeing the face’s soft tissue and re-positioning it to the proper level.

All in one procedure

The procedure rejuvenates the face, neck, forehead, and eyebrows as well as upper and lower eyelids. This total concept enables us to provide a harmonious equilibrium between the structural units of the face & neck with a durable youthful appearance.

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